The volume control will have to be sorted! I've been dallying around, noting other factors that impact the quality, but I keep coming back to that part. Especially this morning, it's clearly crippling the replay of a nice, sparse orchestral, recent recording - Bev is picking the impact from the other end of the noise, the low level ambience and sparkle is compromised, there's a deadness, loss of verve to the sound which makes the listening a bit of a chore. This can be momentarily fixed by refreshing the pot's setting but that only lasts for a very short time; up close to the tweeter this short term "fixing" can easily be heard in action - before adjusting the volume there is distinct distortion from the tweeter - classic "hashy" unpleasantness, after cleaning the pot, that degradation completely disappears.
So how to do it? As mentioned before, I don't want to spend silly effort and money - will getting a significantly better variable resistance mechanism make the issue go away as an audible problem under normal listening? This is the first time I've really grappled with an analogue volume control problem, so I'll do some more research and then get hold of the best value, easily available replacement, and see what that gives me ....
On a strongly positive note, I have acquired a decent USB condenser microphone, and the first test is showing a very good result - I aim to make recordings of what comes out of the speakers, such that it clearly shows the points I'm making, and post them them so that they're easily accessed, say YouTube for quick perusal, and Dropbox for better quality versions.
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