And another key thing to note ... the NAD system is now at an awkward state of optimisation - something I have experienced over and over again, throughout the years. The quality is now good enough, when everything is correctly organised, for the sound to have that 'magical' quality that so many people chase - but that level of "refinement" is very delicate, fragile; it's not robust in of itself. That is, a single element not in effective alignment means that the conjuring does not happen, and of course that is disappointing, and means one can feel quite negative about the whole exercise - an intense round of examining everything ensues, sometimes with great frustration when no cause pops up immediately, but usually with great relief when the problem is finally tracked down - the diagnosis is the hard bit, the solution is usually quite trivial to implement!
The longer term aim is to move the stability of the system playback quality to the point where the necessary quality "robustness" is well and truly in place, and can withstand degradation of minor aspects without causing the auditory illusion to fail. I have spent large amounts of effort with the many audio experiments over the years trying to establish better control of this, and will strongly emphasis that this is crucial - the frustration of hearing the quality fall back below the necessary standard is very wearing - in my earliest attempts, years ago, it led me to completely give up on trying to achieve high quality sound for a very long time, the disappointments wore me down ...
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